-4.4% of our public schools are charter schools. They enroll 2.6% of the public school population.
-40.2% of our public schools are Title I schools (which generally means that 75+% of students are eligible for free/reduced price lunch). 40.1% of our public school students attend such a school.
-The average student/teacher ratio is 15.8. Maine has the lowest (9.0) and Utah (23.5) the highest.
-Average school size by type of school:
Elementary: 445
Middle: 581.8
High: 881.2
-11 states have at least one school with only one student in it
-enrollment by location of school:
type | % of schools | % of stus |
city | 25.4% | 29.0% |
suburban | 28.1% | 35.1% |
town | 13.8% | 12.7% |
rural | 32.1% | 23.2% |
-Overall, 43.2% of students are eligible for free/reduced price lunch. Mississippi has the highest (66.9%) and New Hampshire has the lowest (18.1%). Here's the breakdown by school location:
city: 55.7%
suburban: 34.3%
town: 46.5%
rural: 39.1%
Out of all students who are eligible for free/reduced price lunch, the percent who attend schools in each type of location is:
city: 37.8%
suburban: 27.8%
town: 13.6%
rural: 20.9%
-I often speak about "high poverty, urban schools." There's no chart that would tell us what percentage of schools fit into that category, but we can calculate that 15% of the nation's public schools students attend a city school and are eligible for free/reduced price lunch. If we include suburban areas (oftentimes, some of the immediate suburbs are poorer and more "urban" than parts of the city), that number rises to 26.1%. Given that about 40% of students attend a Title I school, and that 40% of free/reduced price eligible students attend a school in a city, I'd estimate that possibly 10-15% of students attend a Title I school in a city. If we extend the definition of "urban" out to some immediate suburbs, the number who attend a high poverty, urban school is likely in the neighborhood of 20%. I'll see if I can get a more precise tabulation.
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